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2. From cultural history of Ukraine

                                                                                   INHERITANCE OF CENTURIES 

That is why the pas has such
magic power.
The all petty was blown,
and the wonderful and
eternal light from the pas,
as star. 

Bertran Rassel
angl. mathematician, philosopher


A not roof and earth does people Ukraine. By Ukraine they are done by a that culture, to to which they participating. Millionth people never take place from one ancestor, unless in etnogenicheskikh legends. And earth is this native for each from us because poured then and by blood, buried the generation of ancestors, incarnated cultural values, became a cultural landscape - here therefore am by it, by native and unique land, Motherland. Ukraine is people which save and develop from a generation in a generation mcertain standards of life, value and norms, way of life and culture.

Buildings, books, music live only then, when they are read, perceive, understand. Enormous and bottomless, that is quiet us the walls of age-old monasteries and pages of new and old books, - is quiet, while we will not find the key to understanding and competion - all that national culture without which callous earth and stranger blood.




Flashbacks about golden age





Light of spirituality





Masterpieces of ukrainian culture