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Bibliographic lists of literature

1. MAGDEBURSKOE LAW IN UKRAINE (Recommendation list of literature) / Соmp. I. M. Kirtok. - О. : ОNPU, 2008. - 4 p. (34 names.)


2. Gender: problems and prospects (Recommendation list of literature) / Сomp. L. A. Mius'ka. - О. : ОNPU, 2007. - 3 p. (35 names.)


3. Investment and innovation policy and technological transformation in the industry of Ukraine (Recommendation list of literature) / Comp. T. D. Pecherskaya. - О. : ОNPU, 2007. - 4 p. (50 names.)

4. Sun energy: possibilities and prospects of use (Recommendation list of literature) / Comp. Z. Kh. Islamgulova. - О. : ОNPU, 2007. - 8 p. (91 names.)

5. Secrets of earthly catastrophes (Recommendation list of literature) / Comp.: L. A. Mius'ka. - О. : ОNPU, 2007. - 4 p. (58 names.)

6. Metrology, standartization, certification (Bibliographic list of literature from 1990 – 2009 ) / Сomp. T. Yu. Gnatyuk. - О. : ОNPU, 2009. - 9 p. (90 names.)

7. Etnography of Ukraine (Bibliographic list of literature from 2000 – 2008 ) / Comp. A. V. Balanyuk. - О. : ОNPU, 2009. - 4 p. (34 names.)

8. Logistic (Recommendation list of literature) / Comp. T. D. Pecherskaya. - О. : ONPU, 2008. - 8 p. (121 names.)

9. Antycrisis management (Bibliographic list of literature) / СComp. T. D. Pecherskaya, A. V. Balanyuk. - O.: ONPU, 2009. - 3 p. (30 names.)

10. Renewal and work-hardering of detail of cars (Bibliographic list of literature from 2000- 2009 ) / Comp.: T. V. Antonova. - О. : ОNPU. - 5 p. (49 names.)

11.MODERN MOTZ (SOTS) FOR METAL-WORKINGNESS (Recommendation bibliographic list of literature) / Comp. T. Yu. Gnatyuk. - О. : ОNPU, 2010. - 3 p. (26 names.)

12. STATE STANDARDS are FOR МЕТRОLOGY, STANDARDIZATIONS, CERTIFICATIONS (Bibliographic list) / Comp: Т.Yu. Gnatyuk. - О.: ОNPU, 2010. - 17 p. (168 names.)

13. Micro and nanoelectronics (Bibliographic list of literature) / Compiler: T. Yu. Gnatyuk. - О.: ОNPU, 2011. - 9 p. (84 tonics.)

14. MECHANICS HISTORY. (Bibliographic list of literature)  / Compiler: Tkacheva Yu. A. - О.: ОNPU, 2011. - 4 p. (43 tonics.)

15. Inventions that changed the world (to the 275year from the birthday of James Watt)   / Compiler: Islamgulova Z. Kh. - О.: ОNPU, 2011. - 3 p. (31 tonics.)