Exhibition enables to familiarize with labours of teachers and employees of different departments of ONPU, which were published in 2008.
 | | Malakhov V. P. Odessa, 1920-1965: People... Events... /V.P. Malakhov, B. A. Stepanenko. - О. : Science and technique, 2008. - 504 p., il. 256 The real book is chronologic addition of book with the analogical name, not wrap-round a period from 1920 to 1965. Authors are not professional historians, and it is not scientific research. Purpose of book - to rotin on the basis of the archived materials, official records, publish in the press, certificates of participants and eyewitnesses of the described events, as and what Odessa and its habitants lived by in an indicated period of time, that interested, agitated, distressed and made happy Odessa, as developed and his look mutated, saving the unicity, uniqueness, attractiveness and wayward "Odessa" soul here. History of city can not carry selective character of that time with all his pluses and minuses, not doing here synonymous conclusions and not giving emphatic estimations the described events. We give a reader to do it independent. Engineer, musician, economist, military, scientific worker, artist, historian, pensionary, biographer and in general any Odessa - everybody will find in this book on your own something new, interesting and, maybe, useful. A book is counted on the wide circle of readers. |  | | Malakhov V. P. Microcontrolles: stud. man. for stud. bachelor preparation to direction 6.050102 - computer inzheneriyA/V.P. Malakhov, D.P. Yakovlev. - O. : Science and technique, 2008. - 224 p. - Bibliogr.: 5 names.. Structural organization and set of instructions of microcontrollers of firms of Intel, Atmel and St-microelectronics, is considered. The special attention is spared such important questions, as taktirovanie, throwing down, organization of subsystems of input-conclusion, breaking, planning of software of microcontrollers. The examples of programming of separate knots of microcontrollers are resulted. A train aid is the component of complex of uchebno-metodicheskikh developments which provide preparation of specialists of speciality the "Dedicaded computer systems". For the students of bachelor preparation to direction 6.050102 - computer engineering. |  | | Lavrinenko V.P. Radio electronic systems: studies. man. for stud. radio engineerings professions / V.P. Lavrinenko, O.M. Meleshkevich, V.S. Dmitrenko. - O. : Science and technique, 2008. - 176 p. Main operations are considered above signals, that carried out in the radio electronic systems, that by the operations of exposure, distinction and measuring of parameters of signals. All material is grouped on seven themes. The first theme enters a reader in terminology of discipline and gives the picture of the accepted classification of the radio electronic systems and physical basis of exposure of signals and measuring of their co-ordinates. The second theme contains materials on the statistical criteria of exposure and models of signals of the radio electronic systems. The special attention is spared the devices of optimum treatment of signals and by their high-quality indexes. The third theme is devoted bases of theory of division of signals which are based on the fundamental function of theory of signals - function of vagueness. The fourth theme acquaints a reader with the Bayes theory of estimations and maximally plausible estimations. The fifth theme is devoted the features of digital treatment of signals. The sixth theme informs a reader about the basic methods of measuring of co-ordinates of objects. Finally the seventh theme contains taking about distance of action of the different radio electronic systems in free space and near-by an earthly surface. Sufficiently detailed the described signals, inherent the radio-location systems. Teaching of material is accompanied numerous examples and information of reference book, which will happen a favourable case at implementation of calculation and course works. |  | | Biryukov B. N. Why do machines break down ?/B. N. Biryukov. - О.: Science and technique, 2008. - 300 p. In a book in a living and entertaining form told about reasons, limiting durability and term of service of details of machines, and as constructions are done from details, - that and machines. Told about ordinary and not quite ordinary properties of construction materials, about the large arsenal of modern facilities and methods, allowing to increase durability and resource of details, find threadbare details the "second life". Information over is brought about inventors, openings new materials or new, at times their unusual properties, about one or another methods of affecting material with the purpose of his work-hardening, taking from history of inventions and openings. A book is counted on the wide circle of readers. Especially useful beginning practice engineers-mechanics, and also to the students of mechanical specialities of higher educational establishments. |  | | Mikhaylenko G. G. New raspylivayuschie devices in the systems of industrial pylegazoochistki: monografiya/ G.G. Mikhaylenko. - O. : Astroprint, 2008. - 116p.
Теоретически решена задача массопереноса фтористых соединений из газовой фазы в систему полидисперсных капель. На основе полученных результатов разработаны, созданы и внедрены на ряде предприятий (Одесский суперфосфатный завод; Производственное объединение “Химпром” - г. Сумы, г. Виница; “Титан”, г. Армянск) эффективные системы очистки газов от HF; SiF4; 2H+ SiF4 ; Nh3; пыли и др., использующие в полых распыливающих аппаратах новые, высокопроизводительные форсунки с двумя вводами, обеспечивающие достижение санитарных норм на перечисленные газы и пыли. A book will be useful to the engineer-technic specialists, workings in area of protecting of atmospheric air from industrial pylegazovykh vrednostey, to the students of higher educational establishments, student on speciality “Ecology and guard of environment”, and also for all interested persons. |  | | Gerasimyak R.P. Analysis and synthesis of faucet electromechanics system/ R.P. Gerasimyak, V.A. Leschev. - O. : SMIL, 2008. - 192 p. The difficult electromechanics systems (EMC) of faucet mechanisms of getting up and horizontal movement are examined, their mathematical description and design results is given, flow diagrams over of electric and mechanical parts are brought EMC. The brake modes of faucet mechanisms, and also vibrations of the suspended load, are in detail analysed at forward motion of light cart, bridge and rotatory motion of turning platform. The methods of synthesis are offered EMC, reducing their shake, and also limiting dynamic loadings and loosening of the suspended load by the end of acceleration by the end of acceleration or braking of mechanisms of the horizontal moving. For engineers, designings and exploiting the mechanical and electric equipment of faucets, and also students at the study of disciplines "Theory of electromechanic", "Electromechanic of the model industrial settings", "Lifting-transport machines", "Dynamics of machines and mechanisms" and other.
|  | | Raevskiy R.T. Health, healthy and health way of students life /R.T. Raevskiy, S.M. Kanishevskiy; under gen. rel. R.T. Raevskiy. - O. : Science and technique, 2008. - 556 p. Modern determination of physical health of student young people is given in a monograph, his social value and methods of diagnostics is grounded. A health and physical capability of student of Ukraine level is described. In the systematized kind factors and praktiko-deyatel'nostnye komponenty of healthy and health appearance are presented lives which they most depend from. Ways and technology of forming of health are in detail lighted up, healthy and health way of life of young people in the period of teaching in higher educational establishments. A monograph is intended for teachers and students of institutes of higher. Can be used as a train aid. |  | | Volik M.P. Application of the mechanized subsections at execution of the special tasks in the modern armed conflicts: studies. man./ M. P. Volik. - O. : Science and technique, 2008. - 100 p. A train aid is developed on the basis of projects of positions of the Battle statutes of Ground forces of p. III, III, materials of leadthrough tactical and command staff studies, other leading documents, methodical recommendations and manuals of Command of Ground forces, experience of the combat training of parts and subsections, and also the opened materials of periodic seal and network, Internet, taking into account the nearest prospect of development of armament and military technique, forms and methods of application of parts (subsections) Ground forces, in the armed conflicts of contemporaneity. Positions of manual explain and specify the order of preparation and action of the mechanized (reconnaissance, motor-car, tank) subsections during the conduct of the special tactical actions. The manual is intended for a grant a help the commanders of subsections from the study of legal frameworks, features of preparation and application of the mechanized (reconnaissance, motor-car, tank) subsections, in modern soldiery conflicts, organization and leadthrough of employments, after the new programs of the combat training, and also to the teachers of institute after the noted theme. |  | | ZakharchenkO V.I. Sum of knowledges in an economy: in 12 t.: certificate manual for stud. steward. special./Â.È. Zakharchenko, E.A. Blacksmiths. - O. : Science and technique, 2008. T.1.- 2008.- 352 p. In a certificate manual all basic questions, foreseen state educational standards and proper on-line tutorials, are considered in a short-story and accessible form. It will allow quickly to get basic knowledges on main institute of higher objects, and also high-quality to prepare to the tests and examinations. Why different objects appeared under one cover: preparation on one of them entails possibility to remember the already got knowledges other. Thus, to according opinion of authors-compilers, a complexity and system can be accessible in the receipt of knowledges. |  | | Goncharuk A. G. Methodological bases of estimation and management efficiency of enterprise: monograph/ A.G. Goncharuk. - O. : Astroprint, 2008. - 288 p. The results of methodological research of questions, related to the estimation, analysis and management efficiency of industrial enterprise are expounded in a monograph. The theoretical aspects of economic category of efficiency are studied, the traditional methods of measuring of efficiency of production and modern conceptual market going are considered near an analysis and management efficiency of enterprise. The complex measuring device of economic efficiency and method of three-level analysis is offered industrial production. Within the framework of formatting of mechanism of estimation and management efficiency of industrial enterprise the method of realization of benchmarking efficiency, complex system of estimation of efficiency, model of motivation for control system by efficiency, model of realization of internal benchmarking, and also row of other innovations, is developed, including organization of of a particular branch and regional agencies on benchmarking. The integral mechanism of estimation and management, providing stability and continuity of process of increase of efficiency of industrial enterprise, is offered. It is recommended leaders, specialists, scientists, teachers of institutes of higher, graduate students, students and other readers, to interested in the problems of providing of enterprises, industries and regions. |  | | Zavadskaya D. V. Organization labour of manager: stud. man /D.V. Zavadskaya, M.O. Panchenko. - O. : ORIDU NADU. - 2008. - 88 p. The offered train aid is contained by a brief review that course "Organization of labour of manager", practical tasks, business games, tests and additions. A manual is intended for the students of economic specialities and directed on mastering by them theoretical material and acquisition of practical skills for realization of concrete administrative activity. The special attention in a manual is spared such basic aspects, as: organization of administrative labour of managers of different levels of management, applications of modern principles and directions scientific organization of labour, organizations of process of document in a management, requirements in relation to drafting and processing of documents, planning and organizations of the personal work of manager, leadthroughs of conferences and collections, styles of managing a personnel, administrative decisions, forming of streams of documents and others. The gained information enables students to walk up the higher steps of the theoretical and practical mastering the special knowledges in industry of management. |  | | Zakharchenko V. I. Biznes-planirovanie/V.I. Zakharchenko, N.V. Khalikyan. - 4th ed., proc.- O. : Science and technique, 2008. This manual is intended for the students of institutes of higher, student on speciality "management", and also for the different categories of readers, interested in the questions of modern management, plugged in the having a special purpose departmental business teaching. |  | | Sukhoterina L.I. Bases of political science: stud. man. for stud. education qualifying level of specialists of all specialities of daily and extra-mural form of teaching /L.I. Sukhoterina. - O. : ONPU, 2008. - 162 p. In a train aid in a short-story form 18 is examined to those which are foreseen the program of discipline political "Science" for the students of all specialities of higher educational establishments of humanitarian and technical type. Except for basic theoretical material, test tasks over and control questions, and also educational literature which can be used students at preparation to seminar employments from a course political "Science", are brought in a manual. |