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History of scientific and technical library of the Odessa national polytechnic university


         The scientific and technical library of the Odessa national polytechnic university has been based in September, 1918 simultaneously with the basis of the Odessa polytechnic institute. For work of institute it was necessary to create a material resources and a minimum of auxiliary establishments without which preparation of experts was inconceivable. Among these establishments there was also a library. The library tested especially big need in textbooks and the scientific and technical literature. The summer of 1918 in local press had been published the following reference: « In connection with opening of polytechnic institute in Odessa and in view of absence of enough of textbooks, managements, programs, drawings, etc. the academic section of the union of students of Odessa addresses with most submissive request to citizens of Odessa to come to the aid of students donations of the technical and mathematical literature ».

         Books gathered from the most various sources: libraries JA.L. Sаkеrа, S.F. Stern, technical books of a society of manufacturers and factory owners, former technical society "Теhnoskool", donations of teachers and it is simple citizens of city. After a while, the union of students has completed technical library which has presented in gift to polytechnic institute. Small  libraries also lwere created at cabinets, the student's unions, circles. But all this equally did not solve a problem of maintenance of readers the necessary literature.

         In 1920 the institute from former Sabanskih barracks has transferred the base in a premise of institute « noble maidens » (nowadays Odessa national sea university) along the street Staroportofrankovsky. The library has received in the inheritance not only books which were necessary for resulting in the appropriate order, but also a prayful hall for the accommodation.

         For 01.01.22 the fund of library made 2757 copies, number of readers – 116 persons, have visited library for one year of 3500 readers, it is given on the house of 203 books, financial charges on purchase of the literature for 1921 have made 564 roubles.

         In 30th years the fund of library has considerably grown, catalogues began to be created, bibliographic work is adjusted. Digital parameters at this time have increased more than twice, assignment for purchase of the new literature has increased. In 1940 the fund of library totaled already 124 thousand copies, and to the beginning of the Second World  War – 204 thousand copy. During war book fund and all equipment it has been destroyed, and in library Romanians suited a barracks for the soldiers.

         After clearing Odessa all should be begun all over again. Librarians went to prospective addresses and collected the books which have escaped from war, for library. And in January, 1945 the fund of library already totaled 34 thousand copy. In 60th years the fund of library made 50 thousand copy, readers – 10 thousand, delivery of books – 706 thousand copy.

         In 1970 the library has received new building. Since January, 1974 the library is transferred in ІІ a category of high school libraries. In 80th years the material resources of library improves: catalogue cases and the book show-windows, new library furniture are got, is put into operation a lot of the vertical conveyor, etc. Digital parameters of library these years: fund – 1,4 thousand copy, readers – 11,8 thousand persons, delivery of books – 1,01 million copy.

         The history of library would be incomplete if not to tell about scientific - bibliographic and printed work.

         Since 1967 the library issues printed works: « the Instruction about library »; methodical instructions under the technical bibliography; methodical instructions in the help to post-graduate students; methodical instructions on selection of the literature and drawing up of lists to course, degree and scientific works for students, teachers and scientific employees; abstracts of lectures on computer science, library science and bibliographies at the rate « Introduction in speciality » (for І rate); abstracts of lectures on computer science, library science and bibliographies for students ІІІ a rate in view of the branch bibliography; bibliographic indexes « Works of scientific and scientific employees OPU » since 1945; bibliographic indexes of the literature on various themes.

         In 90th years of the last century for library there have come heavy times: acquisition of fund decreases, textbooks are not issued almost, the subscription to periodicals too decreases, there are no means for editions « Works of scientific and scientific employees OPU », lecturing for students on computer science, library science and the bibliography stops.

         At the present stage of development to traditional problems  of work of library functions of transformation of library in modern information centre have increased. Since 1997 at library in laboratory of information technologies the electronic library is created. With 2001 year in library the electronic catalogue is created, the local computer network operates. Bibliographic indexes, indexes of works of scientists ОНПУ are issued. Lecturing to students of the first rate on subjects of bibliographic knowledge is renewed. The history of library proceeds...