Konstantin Ivanovich Zablonskiy: Bibliographic pointer /Odes. nat. polytech. un-y. Science-technical l-y; Comp.: T.Yu.Gnatyuk; Biblliogr. ed.: Z. Kh. Islamgulova. - О.: Science and tecnique, 2003. – 116 p. The index devoted to a life and activity of the honored worker of a science of Ukraine, Dr.Sci.Tech., professor Konstantina Ivanovich Zablonskiy. The index includes the literature issued in Ukrainian, Russian, English, Arabian, Spanish, Chinese, German, French languages from 1939 to 2000, except for methodical instructions and reports, scientifically research works. Principle of accommodation of a material thematic, inside headings chronological or alphabetic. The index contains four basic units: « Basic dates of a life and K.I.Zablonskiy's activity »; " Sketch scientific, pedagogical and public work of the scientist »; « Literature on a life and K.I.Zablonskiy's scientific activity »; « Index of printed works of K.I.Zablonskiy ». « The index of printed works » will consist of the chronological list of printed works of Konstantin Ivanovicha Zablonskogo from 1939 to 2000.